It’s Okay to Rest
When he sent them away, he went up onto a mountain by himself to pray. Evening came and he was alone.
Matthew 14:23
Can I confess something to you?
I haven't taken a real full day off since January.
Maybe you're like me, and resting is hard. I get excited about projects; I feel like it's easier for me to do it than to delegate it; I take on too much...
Before I know it, I'm writing work emails on Saturday morning and there goes my weekend.
That's why it's important for me to follow Jesus and actually pay attention - not just to his words, but to his actions. Every time Jesus has been teaching for a while, he always goes off by himself to pray.
In this particular passage from Matthew 14, Jesus has just fed 5,000 men (which means there were at least 10,000+ people if you include women and children). He sends the people away fed - both physically and spiritually - and then sends his disciples off in a boat. Then, he goes off by himself to rest and spend time in prayer.
Our creation story tells us that God also rests.
So if both God & Jesus have to rest, what makes us think we don't have to?
This week, I encourage you to take some time to rest. Really rest. Set your phone in a different room. Go for a walk, read a book you love (not one you feel you have to read). Let your body and mind rest and feel joy.
There is important work to be done in the world. Absolutely. But life is a marathon, not a sprint. And if your mind goes where mine does - social justice work is also a marathon, not a sprint. My life coach put it this way: It's kind of like singing in a large choir: you take a breath when you need to so someone else can take a breath later. Your taking a break now, allowing yourself to rest now, will give someone else the freedom and ability to take a breath and rest later.
So it's not selfish to take a break when you need to. It's in service of others, too.
With love,
Pastor Kelsey