Arrow Prayers

Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.
-Jeremiah 29:12

In middle school, my youth group got these little faith-based magazines for teens that I think were called Devo. I used to love cutting out favorite quotes, poems, and reflections from them to make collages. But one of the editions I read had some recommendations for simple prayer practices that has stayed with me longer than any collage ever did. It was just a few years post 9/11 and it recommended saying a prayer any time you saw a clock say 9:11 for all those affected by the 9/11 attacks and the aftermath of those attacks. I still practice that today.

The author of the article also referenced "arrow prayers" which are little prayers you just shoot up into the universe whenever you need. For example, may you're driving to an appointment and a thought about an old friend pops up and so you might say, "God, I pray they are doing well." Or maybe an ambulance drives by so you think, "God, please protect them."

For me, these simple little prayer practices take away some of the pressure we can feel to say the right thing, or feel like we have to do this long extended prayer. No need for a big hullaballoo. Prayer can be short and simple. God hearts you always.


Imagine a World


Part of God’s Family